Understanding Joins
Understanding Inner , Outer , left Outer , Right Outer Joins and Cartesian Product
Left Table
EmployeeId=>EmployeeName idToName Table ( rows with Employee Id 3 is repeated )
Employee ID | Employee Name |
1 | Maverick |
2 | Aurthur |
3 | James |
4 | Russel |
3 | James |
Right Table
EmployeeId=>DepartmentName IdToDepartment Table ( rows with Employee Id 5 is repeated )
Employee ID | Department Name |
1 | Tech |
4 | Business |
5 | Sales |
5 | Sales |
Join (Inner Join ) : Join idToName , IdToDepartment where idToName. Employee ID = IdToDepartment.Employee ID
- The rows which are common in both the tables are only considered.
- Any repeated rows from either table will get repeated in output if it matches the joining criteria
Employee ID | Employee Name | Employee ID | Department Name |
1 | Maverick | 1 | Tech |
4 | Russel | 4 | Business |
Outer Join (Full outer) : Full outer Join idToName , IdToDepartment where idToName. Employee ID = IdToDepartment.Employee ID
- Rows which are not common in both tables do appear in the output .
- Any repeated rows from either table will get repeated in output if it matches the joining criteria
Employee ID | Employee Name | Employee ID | Department Name |
1 | Maverick | 1 | Tech |
2 | Aurthur | null | null |
3 | James | null | null |
4 | Russel | 4 | Business |
3 | James | null | null |
null | null | 5 | Sales |
null | null | 5 | Sales |
Left Outer Join : Left outer Join idToName , IdToDepartment where idToName. Employee ID = IdToDepartment.Employee ID
- All elements of the left table will be there . Right table elements which have no common id will be removed .
- Any repeated rows from either table will get repeated in output if it matches the joining criteria
Employee ID | Employee Name | Employee ID | Department Name |
1 | Maverick | 1 | Tech |
2 | Aurthur | null | null |
3 | James | null | null |
4 | Russel | 4 | Business |
3 | James | null | null |
Right Outer Join : Right outer Join idToName , IdToDepartment where idToName. Employee ID = IdToDepartment.Employee ID
1. All elements of the Right table will be there . Left table elements which have no common id will be removed .
2. Any repeated rows from either table will get repeated in output if it matches the joining criteria
Employee ID | Employee Name | Employee ID | Department Name |
1 | Maverick | 1 | Tech |
4 | Russel | 4 | Business |
null | null | 5 | Sales |
null | null | 5 | Sales |
Cartesian Product idToName , IdToDepartment .
It generates a total of M * N rows in output . Where M and N are total rows in Left Table and Right Table . There is no condition in Cartesian product
In our case it will 5 * 4 = 20 rows in output .