Spring Data Custom Repository
Spring Data Custom Repository Continue Reading
Spring Data Custom Repository Continue Reading
Configure CORS (Cross-origin resource sharing) for Spring Boot application
One of the important thing is the monitoring of the production environment. And the Actuator endpoints will give us some capability to monitor the spring boot application. So for this we need to include the Actuator dependency in the pom.xml:
Today we will see how to load and read from property file in Spring 4 using @PropertySource annotation and Environment class.
Let’s create an application which will use spring data jpa to store the user into the database.
In this blog we will create the custom annotation using spring and aspectj lib. So let’s assume that we have a rest API and we want to validate the request object for post requests.
Let’s have a look how we can encrypt the user’s password before inserting into the database. Spring provides the PasswordEncoder interface which has multiple implementation. For example let’s use StandardPasswordEncoder.
A standard PasswordEncoder implementation that uses SHA-256 hashing with 1024 iterations and a random 8-byte random salt value. It uses an additional system-wide secret value to provide additional protection.
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So let’s understand how we can validate the fields before inserting into mongo db. So after the previous blog about the spring data mongodb example, let’s continue understand how we can add the validate the fields before inserting into mongo db.
Let’s create a mongo db application with spring data to do some simple operations.
Let’s write a Hello World application with Spring Boot. So let’s go step by step.