Java 9 Diamond Operator with Anonymous Inner Classes
Diamond operator ‘<>’ was introduced in Java 7 to make instantiation of generic classes easier.
Diamond operator ‘<>’ was introduced in Java 7 to make instantiation of generic classes easier.
In Java 9 try-with-resources statement has been improved. Now if you already have final or effectively final resource you can use it in try-with-resources statement without need to declare a dummy variable.
Before Java 9 we could have underscore [ _ ] as a one character identifier.
In Java SE 9 interfaces can have private and private static methods.
Understanding the difference between Binary and Text Files
Java 9 enhances the java collections and provides static methods for creating small immutable collection instances.
How to make schema compatibility check part of your build time.
How to inter-convert avro schema to class programatically.
How to define Avro Schema with Default values
Avro serialization de-serialization using Confluent Schema registry