Understanding Spark
- Understanding Spark through Map Reduce
- Spark Input Formats And Parallel factor
- Spark Code Analysis
- Understanding Spark Serialization
Spark with Examples
- Word Count in Spark
- Read Write Parquet Files using Spark
- Word Count using CombineByKey in Spark
- Write a CSV text file from Spark
Oozie schedular
Spark Transformations
ReduceByKey And CombineByKey
GroupByKey And CombineByKey
- GroupByKey
- Collect all value for a given key using CombineByKey
- CombineByKey to find Max
- GroupByKey Vs ReduceBykey/CombineByKey
Aerospike I/O
- Write to Aerospike via Map
- Write to Aerospike via MapPartition
- Read from Aerospike via Map
- Read From Aerospike via MapPartition