Understanding Map Reduce The missing guide
Understanding Map Reduce The missing guide
Some Facts about Distributed Framework in General .
- There shouldn’t be any single point of failure.
- Like any algorithm, Framework should be handle the extreme corner cases .
- Under any circumstances Framework shouldn’t result in Failure of the machine .
- End of the Day Distributed framework is all about running processes on different host in a coordinated way.
- The individual process should honor the constraints of the underlying Operating System .
- Few constraints from Operating System is a given User has a limit to number of Files it can open (ulimit).
- All the corner cases the Framework is allowed to perform slow but is not expected to get killed.
- While Thinking of Map-reduce think of the corner cases like
Corner Case | Number of Mappers | Number of Reducer |
1 | 1 Billion | 1 |
2 | 1 Billion |
(Like 2, 100 , 1000 , 10 Billion) |
3 | 1 Mapper reading 100 TB of data | 1 |
4 | 1 Mapper reading 100 TB of data |
(Like 2, 100 , 1000 , 10 Billion) |
Please go through the word count code for a thorough understanding
Driver : ( Job)
Step 1 | Meaning |
Based on Input Path and Input File Format the number of Split is decide |
The input path is taken into consideration to find the number of slpits. Do understand the FileInputFormat is used to decide the number of splits. One can write his own custom InputFileFormat and change the logic of how to split the file FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, inputPath) job.setInputFormatClass(TextInputFormat.class) |
Calculate the Split and store the info in form of XML for Application master to use it and spwn mappers to read the xml | job.submit |
Mapper :
File(Hdfs) => Split => Start Reading Record By Record From split (RecordReader) => Write to in memory buffer(context.write in mapper) => Whenever buffer gets full => Sort the data and write into appropriate Partitions(Local File System) => For each partitions merge and sort to get less number of files(Local File System) => Data ready for fetch .
Key Take Aways :
- Number of Mappers = num Split calculated by Driver . One cannot control number of Mappers its decided by the Framework based on InputFormat.
- Mapper takes in KeyIn, ValueIn and Emits KeyOut, ValueOut.
- Mapper Output is always sorted .
- It is the mapper which sorts the output and not reducer , Reducer just Merges the sorted output.
- Whenever the In memory Buffer gets full, data its flushed on disk (local File System and not HDFS), the flush creates sorted file in appropriate partitions.
- Number of partition is decided based on Number of Reducer Configured in driver . job.setNumReduceTasks();
- Hence for a given partition , a number of small files can be there depending on number of Flush that has happened in Mapper.
- For each partition the small files are merged together (small Files are already sorted hence it has to be merged and outcome will be a sorted file).
- Each reducer can fetch the appropriate partition from the mapper node Local File System.
- The Mapper output File-format is SequenceFileFormat irrespective of whichever file format you have specified for Job Input/Output.
- If its a map only job then map output is not sorted , and the map output file-format is changed to the job output file format.
Reducer :
fetch Data from appropriate partition from each Mapper Node => store the data into local file System => Start merging the files fetched from mapper (its about merging sorted files and hence the outcome is a merged file) => Reduce the number of files to X => Open file pointers to the X files and reduce.
Key Take Aways :
- Reducer always merges the sorted file , the actual sorting has been done on Mapper.
- The mapper data is stored in local file System where mapper was executed , The data is shuffled and brought to reducer machine and saved on local file system.
- The shuffle is a pull of the files from Mapper Nodes(local File System) over HTTPS.
- The Application Master/JobTracker keeps a track of on which Node the mapper ran. When a reducer is spawned this info is passed to the reducer.
- The small mapper files are merged and saved back on local File-system to form bigger Files.
- Reducer has shuffle => Sort => reduce phase . Sort is a misnomer its Merge of sorted files to Generate Sorted Files.